Personal Flourishing

Thriving. A state of flow. Happiness.

Sessions available in: English, Dutch


Thriving. We all dream of it. At times, we are able to reach this state, until it slips away again, when we let circumstances dictate how we feel. Flourishing should not depend on finding ourselves in the ideal circumstances.

We can learn how to cultivate this state of peaceful contentment. We can learn how we consciously direct our own happiness. We can learn that, through specific exercises involving our focus and attention, self-reflection, meditation, and other techniques, we can drastically improve our sense of wellbeing and achieve a state where we feel we are flourishing.

What to expect?

During these sessions, we help you discover what it means to you to be happy and thriving, and we guide you onto the path towards personal flourishing.

  • We will focus on identifying those things that you feel enthusiastic or passionate about, and we will search for ways to incorporate them into your current life

  • We will discover which triggers disrupt your state of flow, and how to reframe them so they don’t interfere (as much) anymore

  • We will explore different techniques that can help you achieve or maintain a state of flourishing

For whom?

Meant for those who would like to bring a little (or not-so-little) more mental and emotional balance into their lives, to reduce distress and suffering and to cultivate and increase happiness, and to develop and improve themselves, achieve their potential and flourish as a better human being, these sessions are about learning the background, tools and the path to do so, and putting it into practice.

Whether you want to become a more empathetic and compassionate person, to have a more constructive emotional experience, increase your mental balance and inner well-being, help others do the same, strengthen and improve relationships, or overall become a better and happier person, these sessions are to provide you teachings and guidance on that path.

You belong here. ♡